
Access vital health and wellness resources at Seattle U, including medical services, counseling, student support, and peer health education.

Students sitting together on a bench

Ask the Student Health Center

Are there any questions that this website doesn't address? Do you have a question that you feel like you need to discuss in detail?

We can be reached from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday at 206-296-6300. You may also email us at 

Student Support Center 

Find resources for many student support needs at the Student Support Center including chat options. 

Office of Wellness and Health Promotion 

Home Care

Cold, Flu and Covid 

  • I'm sick, what can I do? 
  • Most of the time when we are sick it is caused by virus. Unfortunately, most of the time you just have to get through it and manage your symptoms. Please see our Respiratory Symptom Management handout for recommendations. 
  • Cold & Flu kits are available at the Student Health Center as well as the Office of Wellness and Health Promotion (Student Center 380) 
  • Keep your germs to yourself. 
  • Good hand washing 
  • Cover your cough and sneezes with a clean tissue, not your hands, and immediately dispose of kleenex then wash your hands. If a tissue is not available then use your elbow/upper sleeve. 
  • Use and Care of Masks 

How do I avoid getting sick? 

  • Get the COVID vaccine as soon as you're eligible 
  • Flu vaccine is available yearly in the fall 
  • Hopefully we have a vaccine against COVID sometime in 2021 
  • Good hand washing 
  • Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth 

For more COVID info please go to COVID-19  RESOURCES 

Nausea and/or Vomiting 

Seek immediate emergency care if: 

  • Blood in vomit (bright red or "coffee grounds" appearance" 
  • Severe headache or stiff neck 
  • Confused, lethargic, or decreased alertness 
  • Severe abdominal pain 
  • Rapid breathing or pulse 

How to treat: 

  • Drink clear liquids, start with a sip every 5-10 minutes and gradually increase if your stomach tolerates (water, non-citrus juice, broth, sports drinks) 
  • Avoid solid food until vomiting has passed, when tolerating liquids start with bland, easy to digest foods (toast, saltines, plain rice or pasta, bananas, oatmeal, applesauce) 
  • If vomiting and diarrhea for more than 24 hours oral rehydrating solutions should be used such as Pedialyte or watered down electrolyte drink 

When to call your healthcare provider: 

  • Signs of dehydration 
  • Vomiting lasting more than 24 hours 


Seek immediate emergency care if: 

  • Severe abdominal or rectal pain 
  • Signs of dehydration 
  • Confused, lethargic, or decreased alertness 
  • Severe abdominal pain 
  • Rapid breathing or pulse 

How to treat: 

  • Stay hydrated by drinking clear liquids (water, non-citrus juice, broth, sports drinks), if you also have nausea start with sips 
  • Start with bland, easy to digest foods (toast, saltines, plain rice or pasta, bananas, oatmeal, applesauce, potatoes, smooth peanut butter, skinless chicken, yogurt) 
  • Avoid foods that can diarrhea or gas worse (fatty or fried foods, raw fruits and vegetables, spicy foods, beans, caffeinated drinks) 
  • Most of the time diarrhea doesn't need to be treated but an over-the-counter antidiarrheal medication can help such as Imodium or Pepto-Bismol 

When to call your healthcare provider: 

  • Diarrhea lasts longer than a few days 
  • Signs of dehydration 
  • Fever above 102 F (39 C) 
  • Abdominal or rectal pain 
  • Bloody or black tarry stools 
  • Recent travel to a country with risk of travelers diarrhea 

Symptoms of Dehydration 

  • Excessive thrist 
  • Dry mouth or skin 
  • Little or no urination 
  • Dark colored urine 
  • Dizziness/lightheadedness especially with standing 

How to treat: 

  • Rest and elevation of injury above the level of your heart 
  • Ice for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours x 48 hours or until swelling improved 
  • Only ice for the first 48 hours, but can use ice or heat after that time  
  • Compression with ace bandage if a location that wrapping is feasible 
  • Over-the-counter NSAID such as Advil or Aleve for swelling then as needed for pain. Take with food because these medications can cause upset stomach. 

When to call a healthcare provider: 

  • Pain is severe or doesn't get better with over-the-counter medications, elevation, and ice 
  • For lower extremity injuries if you can't walk or you have severe pain when you do 
  • Go to the emergency room if bone is clearly broken or joint is out of alignment 


STD risk assessment and testing is available at the Seattle U Student Health Center as well as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). Please call to schedule your appointment.  

Reliable sources of information 

In addition to the SU SHC some other close resources for testing: 

View an educational video regarding HPV Immunization created by a Seattle University Doctor of Nursing Student: Click here. 

Physical Activity 

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Physical Activity 
  • American Heart Association Fitness 
  • Seattle University resources through UREC

Why is sleep important for college students? 

  • Physical health - sleep is the time our bodies rest and recover. This is the time for the body to heal, regulate hormones, and allow the immune system to maintain consistent function. 
  • Emotional health - sleep deprivation can cause irritability, lack of motivation, difficulty interactive with others, and a tendency to make riskier decisions. 
  • Healthy brain functioning - sleep allows are body form new neural pathways which makes it more capable of acquiring and processing new information. 

How do get a good night's rest? 

  • Tips on getting a good night’s rest. 
  • Refresh Sleep Program is a email delivered program to improve sleep quality offered by Wellness and Health Promotion. 
  • Reduce stress through mindfulness and meditation. One tool is the Sanvello App. 

Mental Health


If you or someone around you is experiencing an emergency or are in a crisis, please call one of the numbers below to get in touch with someone right away: 

  • King County 24 Hr. Crisis Connections - 866-427-4747 
  • King County 24 Hr. Sexual Assault Resource Center - 888-998-6423 
  • Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741-741 
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988 (call or text; chat at 
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-7233 
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline - 800-656-4673 
  • Veterans Crisis Line - 988, then press 1 
  • Suicide...Read this First 

Need a person to help emergently? 

  • Call 9-1-1 
  • Call Seattle University Public Safety at 206-296-5911 
  • Go to a local emergency room 
    SU Public Safety can provide transport 

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 

Campus Ministry 

  • Pastoral Care and Conversations 
  • Contact at 206-296-6075 

Dean of Students 
Disability Services 

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs

Not a Moment Wasted 

Make Time for You  

  • Now is the moment to discover who you are. Work for your future. Master your studies. Get your degree. Make friends. And live—happier, healthier. 
    Alcohol and marijuana can stand in the way. 
  • Resources for young adults in WA State, covering health risks and other consequences related to underage recreational marijuana and alcohol use. 
  • Not A Moment Wasted 

I want to quit or at least think about it. What now?  

  1. Plan!!!
  2. Consider medications to help with nicotine withdrawal.
  3. Find your support. 

What if I'm not ready to quit?  

  1. You can still plan and think about why you're not ready and what needs to happen
  2. Give yourself permission to fail. Every attempt is one attempt closer.
  3. Protect those around you from second-hand and third-hand smoke 

Other resources 


Are you curious about your alcohol use? 

Resources for Alcohol and Addiction